Jun 21-25 ✵ Camp Navarro, CA Watch Videos

light streaming through trees at Camp Navarro with a van parked in foreground.


DWeb Camp 2023: Discovering Flows

Flows are everywhere, but most of us don’t perceive them. Discovering flow means tapping into the most powerful forces around us:

     Nature. Technology. Community. You.

These four flows are all connected, influencing each other. At DWeb Camp 2023, June 21-25, we invite you to join us in the California redwoods to tap into these hidden flows, to amplify our collective impact in the world.

Young man of Indian descent looks up at sky while balancing stick on his finger.


Retreat in the Redwoods

Set in the beautiful redwoods near the Mendocino coast of California, DWeb Camp is a five-day retreat for builders and dreamers to connect, learn, share and have fun as we work towards building a better, decentralized web. A web that actualizes the principles of trust, human agency, mutual respect, and ecological awareness. 

Our goal is to create a safe space and a caring community, grounded in nature, where we can explore the hidden dynamics and consequences of technology. A place where we can build tools to solve real-world needs. Where everyone can find their personal flow – that unique way they can contribute to the world.

Learn more about our mission

man in shorts and tshirt lies with his eyes closed on a log, with redwoods all around him.


Grounded in nature

We've reserved a private camp 2.5 hours from San Francisco and 11 miles from the Mendocino Coast. Nestled among towering redwoods, with the Navarro River meandering through the property, this 80-acre site offers beautiful spots to hack, hold workshops, have small group discussions, meditate, and hike. A chance to reconnect with nature and each other.

You are invited to bring your own tent or RV, or you can rent a cabin or glamping tent from us. We’ll provide three healthy meals each day.  Come as a family! Children are woven into everything we do, with a special program created just for families.

Here's what to expect.

Young woman of Indian descent sits in conversation with a young man on the top of a tree stump. She is gesturing with her arms and her face is animated.

Children holding sticks hold up large bird puppet as they parade through camp grounds.

What can you share?

DWeb Camp is a co-created event where we ask everyone to share their gifts.

A few ideas:

  • Give a talk.

  • Lead a technology workshop.

  • Volunteer to build or take down the camp.

  • Be a Space Steward and host an event space.

  • Be a Weaver and facilitate a small group.

  • Create an artistic activation.

  • Organize a concert or poetry reading.

  • Build a mesh network.

  • Lead a policy salon.

  • Organize a game night.

  • Come as a Global Fellow to build bridges between communities.

  • Participate in the Tomorrow experiment

The only limitation is your imagination.

Two people are high fiving in a colorful dome, as an audience looks on. This is a talent show where one man is the emcee and the other younger man is a performer.

Explore ways to participate


Become a Sponsor of DWeb Camp

Help us bring a more diverse and multi-talented group to DWeb Camp. Here are some of the ways to become a sponsor.

Graphic with DWeb Camp logo of an arrow pointing south and a photo of the sponsors from 2022's DWeb Camp posted on a tree. 

Deeper Dive


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