Jun 21-25 ✵ Camp Navarro, CA Watch Videos

Ways to Participate


Channel Your Inner Link


"The game was to be set in both the past and the future. As the main character would travel between both and be the link between them, they called him Link."

--Shigeru Miyamoto, creator of The Legend of Zelda

In the Legend of Zelda, the protagonist, Link, possesses an unbreakable spirit; he's humble yet brave, always willing to use his hidden skills to save those around him. Thus we are naming our volunteers "Links," a team embued with the Spirit of the Hero, ready to leap to any task, help any camper in distress or fly into action when needed.

DWeb camp will be built and run by volunteer power. Are you a team player, a DIY builder who loves the outdoors? Can you paint a sign, lay cables or help erect a tent? Are you a thrifty maker, known for turning discarded items into gold?  

Then we are looking for you! We seek up to 30 volunteer “Links” who can work before, during or after the camp as part of a fun and dedicated team of superheroes.

What do you get in return?  First, you’ll be a part of a great team with a special hang-out cabin stocked 24/7 with things to power you up.

HALF-TIME VOLUNTEERS: If you volunteer five 3-hour shifts during Camp, you can qualify for a 50% ticket reimbursement. (Total commitment: 15 hours.)

Or just volunteer for the fun and camaraderie. After everyone has left on Sunday, stick around for the staff dinner party when we can enjoy the fruits of our delicious labor.

Sound interesting?  

 Fill out this VOLUNTEER FORM

IMPORTANT: Be sure to buy a ticket now to secure a spot, and we will reimburse your ticket after you have fulfilled your volunteer duties. If you do not secure a volunteer position and chose not to attend as a paid camper, we will refund your ticket in full.




We're looking for leaders with many skills. APPLY to be a Weaver.

To encourage all DWeb Campers to connect more deeply with others and reflect on Camp activities/discussions, we will be holding Small Groups of about 5 people each day. We invite you to become a Weaver of a sharing circle, leading a group of the same people at the end of each day.



The role of a Weaver is to facilitate a Small Group.

A Small Group is an intimate sharing circle for a group of about 5 people to regularly meet at a time set aside each evening. Each group will explore a question, a discussion topic, or participate in an activity together. Throughout the Camp, we also encourage weavers to please keep their eyes open to other moments where gentle facilitation and community weaving might help.



In our mind, facilitation includes, but is not limited to:

  • Holding space for small groups, where people feel included, safe, connected, listened to, and able to share themselves
  • Structuring small group activity so everyone gets an opportunity to speak, with everyone else listening, without needing to “push” for a space
    • A common pratice is to sit everyone in a circle, the facilitator offers a focus question, and then everyone takes turns around the circle speaking once and passing on to the next, while everyone listens, and when the round completes the facilitator starts another round with a new focus question
  • Noticing when people are feeling avoidant, unsafe, insecure, etc and then asking them if they need any support or want someone to listen to them
  • Not allowing any conversation to be dominated by louder voices
    • If anyone takes up too much space, politely asking them to “tie off” their current thread to let others participate in the space
    • If a discussion happens that is limited to exclusive content (for example, a highly technical back-and-forth that excludes non-technical participants), politely re-directing the conversation back to more inclusive topics



If you’re interested, please let us know via this form: Weavers 2023.

We’ll follow up with you as we go.

To support our success in holding this event together, we’ll be having a small “facilitator training” session at the beginning of Camp, to help share good practices and bring us all together on the same page.



**Applications are now CLOSED.**

We’re looking for 12-15 Space Stewards to help guide and support activities in specific venues around the camp. Stewards help curate the session proposals BEFORE the event, and assist in facilitating the space’s activities DURING two 3-hour sessions.



BEFORE camp starts:

  • Submission Review: review proposals before camp begins
  • Choose Activities: help decide which activities will take place in the space
  • Curate Activities: decide flow of the activities in the space by allotting time to each
  • Contact Session Facilitators: let them know when/where their activity will take place and other information about the space/flow of activities


DURING camp:

  • Accept new projects/workshops as space allows
  • Support Facilitator(s): support activity/discussion and ensure leaders have what they need
    • Assist facilitator to delegate tasks (note taking, stack taking, etc.)
  • Support Participants: ensure people feel included, safe, connected, listened to, and able to share 
    • Approach those who enter the space late and fill them in on the activity/discussion
  • Time Keeper: facilitate the schedule of the space to ensure sessions stay within allotted time
  • Space Safety: notice when people are feeling avoidant, unsafe, insecure, etc. and offer your support
  • Conversation Steward: try to prevent any conversation to be dominated by louder voices
    • Interrupt interrupters
    • Politely ask those who take up too much space to “tie off” their current thread to let others participate
    • If a discussion happens that is limited to exclusive content (for example, a highly technical back-and-forth that excludes non-technical participants), politely re-direct the conversation back to more inclusive topics



**Applications are now CLOSED.** Fill out the SPACE STEWARD FORM by March 31.

SPACE STEWARDS, if selected, receive 100% free campership. (Lodging and transportation are up to you.)

IMPORTANT: Be sure to buy a ticket now to secure a spot, and  if selected we will refund your ticket fees. If you do not secure a Steward spot and choose not to come, we're happy to refund your ticket in full.