Jun 21-25 ✵ Camp Navarro, CA Watch Videos

Propose a Project or Talk

Have an idea you’d like to share at DWeb Camp? Submit a Proposal for a talk, workshop or project

From April 1 to May 15 (end of day wherever you are), we are accepting proposals for:

  • Lightning Talks (7:00 +  2 min Q & A)
  • Workshops (30 minutes, 1 hour, 90 minutes max)
  • Talks, panel discussions or presentations (30 or 45 minutes)


Complex problems require interdisciplinary collaboration to solve. One of the great benefits of DWeb Camp is the chance to weave together many skill sets, experiences and perspectives. Think outside the box - we'd love to see activations, art installations, readings, games, hackathons, performances and more.

Projects or workshops can be as small and transient as a single gathering near a tree, or span multiple hours throughout Camp to explore a theme together from many angles. If you have an idea you're already working on, organizing a project or workshop may be a good way to engage diverse participants and test your assumptions.

Lightning Talks are recorded 10-minute sessions. There is the option to give a lightning talk in a space with a 60" monitor and electricity or in an outdoor space with no screen or electricity.

You are welcome to talk about a variety of topics, such as a project you are involved in, a personal interest, an insight you've had at the Camp, or sharing the output of your DWeb Camp Project. We encourage you to share knowledge and ideas, not pitch products!



We ask you to think about how long you want to offer your session. Is it a one-time demo or workshop? A multi-day exploration? A physical exhibit you want to showcase for the entire event? There is room to span multiple spaces, days, across different time slots. 

We typically receive a high volume of submissions. To streamline the process and create a more impactful event, we strongly encourage facilitators with similar ideas to collaborate with each other. 

We hope to accommodate as many sessions as possible but with limited time slots available, it might be necessary to merge proposals.


Tomorrow (An experiment in emergent sessions)

We're going to try out something different at DWeb Camp this year - an experiment in emergent sessions we are calling "Tomorrow." We want to create space for emergent conversations in a new way. If you'd like your session to be a part of that, you do not need to submit a proposal. You only need to show up at Camp! However, this means we have limited 90 min workshop slots. Shorter presentations have greater availability and chances of acceptance will be higher.



The other key consideration is space. You can request an indoor space with table and chairs in the Hackers Hall; an outdoor space in Redwood Cathedral; a spot in the Lightning Stage for your short talk, an hour in the Meadow for an outdoor game. Our Space Stewards will help you find the best spot in a huge and varied landscape


Selection Criteria

Sessions will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Aligns with the DWeb Principles

  • Collaborative and participatory

  • Inclusive of non-technical audience members where possible

  • Considers the needs of marginalized groups and/or uplifts their voices

  • Plans for impact, connections and learnings to extend beyond camp

  • Willing to merge with similar proposals where the need arises

  • Aligns with the flows and threads of DWeb Camp 2023

We recommend referring to this criteria to help inform the design of your session. 

Don't just tell us about the problem or challenge your session will explore – tell us how participants will learn and interact. How will you structure the session to encourage collaboration? How will you welcome people with diverse perspectives into the conversation? How will you collect feedback and capture learnings?


What Happens Next?

After submitting a form, we will let you know if your proposal is confirmed. A Space Steward will contact you to make sure we can accommodate your space and logistical requirements. After your proposed talk or workshop is confirmed, it will be listed in the schedule. 

The last day to submit your proposals is May 15.

This will give the organizing team time to review session proposals and make necessary arrangements. Acceptance is rolling so, we ask that you submit your proposal ASAP especially if you have specific space and logistical requirements so we have enough time to make arrangements. 

QUESTIONS? Feel free to ask at one of our Pre-Camp Info Sessions or email us at [email protected].

Don't forget to buy tickets to Camp before spots run out.
